1. Introduction

There are several events you can track with Google Analytics for your voice and chat communication widget from TrueEngage. Here is the list of most important ones:

Tracking these events can help you optimize your widget's performance and improve visitor engagement on your website.

Having a single event for Communication Started/Ended and using dimensions to differentiate between chat, call and other channels available is a more flexible approach. It allows our customers to track different communication channels under the same event category, making it easier to analyze the overall performance of their communication widget.

Using dimensions to differentiate between communication channels also enables you to filter and segment your data more effectively, allowing you to gain more insights into the behavior of your website visitors. For example, you could filter the Communication Started/Ended event by dimension to see how many chat conversations or calls were initiated during a specific time period or by a specific visitor segment.

2. Turn on event sending in TrueEngage panel

In order for TrueEngage to send events to your Google Analytics, you need to enable the appropriate flag in the settings. To do this in TE Panel go to Settings tab → Deploy and Integration. Enable the option to start collecting data.


3. Google Analytics 4 Event Tracking with Google Tag Manager

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to implement tracking for all the events with dimensions in Google Analytics 4 using Google Tag Manager. You don’t have to worry about setting-up the DataLayer variables - we’ve got you covered and the variables are already there with our widget 😎