1. Verify that the client's OAuth role has the following permissions (if not, add them):
    1. Conversation → Communication → View
    2. Analytics → Conversation Detail → View
  2. Go To Admin → Integration and click “+ Integration” to add a new one
  3. Choose “Interaction Widget” and click Install


  1. Change Name to TrueEngage_VisitorJourney

  2. Go to Configuration tab

  3. Set ApplicationUrl to https://visitorjourneyweb.trueengage.com/?InteractionId={{gcConversationId}}&accountGuid=* *AccountGuid is what you find in the script in management panel -> Settings -> Code Snipet

  4. Set Iframe Sandbox Options to “allow-scripts,allow-same-origin,allow-forms,allow-modals,allow-popups”

  5. Set Iframe Feature/Permissions Policy to camera,microphone

  6. In Group Filtering choose an existing group of agents who will have access to the application

  7. In Communication Type Filtering "call, callback, webmessaging”

    1. In Advanced paste:
      "lifecycle": {
        "ephemeral": false,
        "hooks": {
          "focus": false,
          "blur": false,
          "bootstrap": false,
          "stop": false
      "monochromicIcon": {
        "vector": "<https://asset.trueengage.com/assets/visitorJourney/assets/logos/visitorJourneyGClogoMono.svg>"
      "i10n": {
        "pl-PL": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"
        "es-ES": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"
        "de-DE": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"
        "en-US": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"
        "fr-FR": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"
        "en-GB": {
          "name": "Visitor Journey - DEV"

Refresh whole Genesys Cloud.